Are you the best version of yourself?
Health is always a personal experience – whether you’re staring at a scale, a mirror, or your step-counter result. Sometimes only a small adjustment is needed to achieve total well-being, but sometimes we have to dig a little deeper to create real and lasting change.
It may be that your body doesn’t know how to regulate stress, or it may be that your kitchen skills could do with some brushing up. Some people find, after further investigation, that they are lactose intolerant, celiac or allergy sufferers – conditions that have been left undiagnosed for years. Despite their efforts, they have not gained control over their own well-being, which only creates more stress and anxiety in the individual.
Universal health guidelines are of little comfort if you suffer with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut, or hormonal problems related to the thyroid gland – both your night’s sleep and your sense of humour can be put to the test! However, each of us has the power to be an active participant of our own lives – a vibrant and energetic leader in our health and well-being. Health Happens when you bring your body back into balance and start treating it with the care and attention it truly deserves. The time is now!
Vitality and energy: it’s not simply the absence of disease.
Life is a continuous series of miracles and events that our actions will either strengthen or weaken. The cells in our body are constantly renewing and studies have shown that a 60-day lifestyle change affects the way genes work. Small changes can have a huge impact. A well-nourished body will always strive to fight disease, for example. If you could change your life by taking small but powerful steps towards well-being, imagine the kind of renewal your body could experience?
Rather than being concerned about aging, energy should be focused towards increasing the best years of life. This is where Individual Nutrition Coaching comes in. We humans are all made up of the same biological structure, but it is our personalities, our histories, our reactions, our thinking – our stories – that make us the individuals we are.
You’ve made it this far – now let’s begin this magical journey into health, vitality and well-being together!
What happens in a Nutrition Coaching session?
Coaching begins with an initial consultation, from which we identify your health challenges and the type of treatment program you need. The initial consultation is followed up by a longer, 2 hour appointment, at the end of which you’ll receive nutritional guidance, instructions and goal setting exercises. During the course of meetings, I will:
Get to know you and your current lifestyle situation, looking back at the events that have led you to this place.
As well as food, pay attention to the amount of sleep and exercise you are getting; look at your musculoskeletal system; assess the condition of your intestines and liver; how you manage stress; and how well your hormones and immune system are functioning.
I’ll review your current medication and guide your dietary supplement needs.
Assess what your priorities are and set achievable goals, accordingly.
A follow-up visit is usually arranged 4-6 weeks after the first meeting. We will re-map your well-being and make all necessary changes to your diet. Several follow-up visits can be arranged, depending on your needs.
With Individual Nutrition Coaching, I combine my work in Functional Medicine and Naprapathy with coaching expertise to offer sessions that are tailored specifically to you. I support you from start to finish and focus on your individual needs.
What is functional medicine?
Functional medicine addresses the root cause of disease. It is used to prevent and treat complex chronic issues an is an excellent addition to traditional medicine. It takes into account the connection between each and every organ and carefully maps out existing problems by considering the person as a whole. When treating a person from a holistic point of view, influences such as their biological make-up, personality traits and environmental factors are all taken into account and used to create an Individual Treatment Program.
Does any of the following apply to you?
- You lack energy
- Get sick often
- Suffer from digestive problems such as heartburn, swelling and intestinal problems
- Have wondered whether it could be something to do with your hormones
- Suffer from allergies, asthma and hypersensitivity
- Have a troubled relationship with sugar and weight loss
- Your clothes size is constantly fluctuating
- You experience stress and anxiety much of the time
- Live with persistent musculoskeletal pain, headache, migraine or fibromyalgia
- Have yet to find a style of exercise that suits you and your schedule
- Your desire is to age healthily
- You haven’t quite figured out what a healthy diet entails and how you can implement it into your life
Remember: even small changes have a huge impact
Health Happens

Hi, I’m Päivi Johansson,
founder of Health Happens.
We all have a story to tell and my story has evolved into Health Happens. The journey towards a holistic interest and understanding of people has, for me, come in many forms: from training as an Nutrition Coach to certifying as a Naprapath, from studying Kandi Psychology to becoming a mother. I also enjoy travelling the world and thinking about the wonders of life. I have combined years of knowledge, guidance and training into what is now, Health Happens, and I have chosen a feather to remind us all of our freedom to choose, spread our wings, and fly into a world our hearts know is
- FLT Nutrition Coach® trained by Paula Heinonen (ProHealth Oy) (link to website if available).
- Naprapathy, Naprapat Hogskolan, Stockholm Sverige, 1994
- Bachelor of Psychology, University of Turku, 2015

Health Happens -alkukartoitus:
1 h, 95 € (sis. alv.)
Alkukartoitus sisältää:
- Käymme läpi, mihin haet apua.
- Voit kysyä ravintovalmennuksesta.
- Saat mukaasi esitäytettävän materiaalin varsinaista pidempää tapaamista varten.
Health Happens -valmennus 1:
Tapaaminen 2 h + seurantakäynti 1 h, 320 € (sis. alv.)
Valmennus 1 sisältää:
- Mikäli aloitat alkukartoituksella, sen hinta sisältyy Health Happens 1 -hintaan.
- Käymme läpi tämänhetkiseen tilanteeseesi johtaneita edeltäviä tekijöitä, elämäntilanteesi, vointisi, ruokavaliosi sekä mahdolliset lääkityksesi ja ravintolisäsi.
- Suunnittelen sinulle räätälöidyn yksilöllisen ravintovalmennusohjelman, joka sopii elämäntilanteeseesi.
- Tapaamisen jälkeen saat kirjallisen ravintovalmennusohjeistuksen.
- Seurantakäynti sovitaan 4–6 viikon päähän Health Happens 1 -käynnistä.
- Seuraamme vointisi paranemista, ja teen tarvittaessa muutoksia ravintovalmennusohjelmaasi.
- Mikäli käyntien välillä jokin asia mietityttää, voit ottaa yhteyttä sähköpostitse tai soittaa
- Tapaamisia on mahdollista jatkaa tarvittaessa.
Health Happens -valmennus 2:
Tapaaminen 2 h + 2 x 1 h seurantakäynnit, 400 € (sis. alv.)
Valmennus 2 sisältää:
- Mikäli aloitat alkukartoituksella, sen hinta sisältyy Health Happens 2 -hintaan.
- Käymme läpi tämänhetkiseen tilanteeseesi johtaneita edeltäviä tekijöitä, elämäntilanteesi, vointisi, ruokavaliosi sekä mahdolliset lääkityksesi ja ravintolisäsi.
- Suunnittelen sinulle räätälöidyn yksilöllisen ravintovalmennusohjelman, joka sopii elämäntilanteeseesi.
- Tapaamisen jälkeen saat kirjallisen ravintovalmennusohjelman.
- Seurantakäynti 1 sovitaan 4–6 viikon päähän edellisestä tapaamisesta.
- Seuraamme vointisi paranemista, ja teen tarvittaessa muutoksia ravintovalmennusohjelmaasi.
- Mikäli käyntien välillä jokin asia mietityttää, voit ottaa yhteyttä sähköpostitse tai soittaa.
- Seurantakäynti 2 sovitaan 4–6 viikon päähän edellisestä tapaamisesta.
- Seuraamme vointisi paranemista, ja teen tarvittaessa muutoksia ravintovalmennusohjelmaasi.
- Tapaamisia on mahdollista jatkaa tarvittaessa.
Health Happens -perhevalmennus
Räätälöidään perhekohtaisesti ja aloitetaan aina Health Happens alkukartoituksella.